August 13 - Midgardsblot

Most of the show was about Midgardsblot 2023

01.LUMSK: Ormin lange
02.HEIDEVOLK: Drinking with the gods (Valhalla)
03.INVASION: Wings of steel
04.IRON MAIDEN: Flight of Icarus
05.FINTROLL: Trollhammaren
06.SYLVAINE: Nowhere, still somewhere
07.KAMPFAR: Swarm norvegicus
08.VARGVREDE: Proud and oblivious
09.IOTUNN: The tower of cosmic nihility
10.NORDJEVEL: Antichrist flesh
11.ENSLAVED: Forest dweller
12.GANGAR: Sukkeri er søtt
13.ETERNITY: Under the gaze of the king
14.EINHERJER: Odin owns ye all
15.BLACKBRAID: The spirit returns
16.TYR: Hold the heathen hammer high
17.NAGLFAR: The darkest road
18.TSJUDER: Helvete
19.MORTIIS: The grudge
20.MY DYING BRIDE: Turn loose the swans

Raymond Smith
Knut Ivar Jacobsen