July 16

01.VIPER BRAZIL: Soldiers of sunrise
02.QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE: The way you used to do
03.PRONG: Rude awakening
04.MICAEL MONROE: Dead, jail or rock n' roll
05.RAGE: Adoration
06.VAN HALEN: Somebody get me a doctor
07.QUEEN: Great king rat
08.ALICE COOPER: Paranoiac personality
09.AVATARIUM: The starless sleep
10.AYREON: The day that the world breaks down
11.WIZARD: We are the masses
13.PARKWAY DRIVE: Vice grip
14.VINTERSORG: Fjällets mäktiga mur
15.ABORTED: From beyond (the grave)
16.ZEROZONIC: Get me back
17.UNLEASHED: Into glory ride
18.GATES OF ISHTAR: A bloodred path
19.AURA NOIR: The stalker
20.IMMORTAL: The rise of darkness

Raymond Smith
Knut Ivar Jacobsen